I woke up in one of those moods again….
You know…blue…
No particular reason except I keep having this one dream. My grandchildren are in it and so is “She”…My “I don’t want nothing to do with you” daughter. I think the reason I am having so many dreams that involve her lately is because it seems inevitable that they will be moving this summer. I had a long talk with my oldest grandson yesterday (Who has an uncanny sense of knowing when I have money!). He said his mother expects him to use most of his Army enlistment bonus to help pay for their move to Florida. He wants to move to be near the beaches, but he doesn’t want to move away from me or away from the college he was planning on attending in the fall. You see, in High School, he went to a Vo-Tech program that earned him some college credits and he’s not sure they would transfer over to another state. I told him he could always stay with me until college begins and then he could get housing there. The Army would pay room and board for his college. I also told him that since she is the one that wants to move so bad, he should use his money to get a car and if he had money left and he wanted to, he could let her borrow the money to move. After all, he will only get half of his bonus, and he is the one who earned it by going through all the training!
My middle grandson came over as usual on the weekend and he called me the “O” word…..OLD! He told me I should keep my car and make my youngest son walk to work because I am (Insert “O” word here) and I need to get out more during the week and do things….I tried to explain that because of my money situation, the only thing I do during the week is watch grandchildren play sports….it doesn’t cost me much, I can take pictures and it’s about the only thing I really love doing outside the house. If they move, I won’t have that…..and I don’t know if I could bare to watch their teams play without them. It would bring back too many memories.
I try not to think about it too much…I try not to cry….
So I did get out yesterday. I had made an appointment with my second cousin (by marriage) to take Easter photos of her little girl for Monday noon….then we got some pretty severe thunderstorms so we postponed it until Tuesday. Emily usually is a “Ham”, but she didn’t want anything to do with having her pictures done this time!! It took us about 3 times as long to get some nice shots this time because every time her mother would sit her down or walk away, Emily would throw the fakes tantrum ! But she’s a doll, I am patient and I know how to set the shutter speed to get those quick shots when she wasn’t watching….

Don’t you know that as soon as I took the memory car out of the camera to upload them to the laptop, Emily started to perform!!! I snuck a new memory card in the camera just in case! I call this shot the “Where’s the Candy/” shot! She is definitely a “sober” little girl. Usually she smiles a lot but we got a few candid shots of faces she’s never made before!!
I made $50, which my grandson borrowed part of to shut his mother up. Ooopa !! Maybe I shouldn’t have said that but IT IS MY BLOG!!!!! Apparently she expects him to fill her gas tank ($20) and buy a dog tag for his 9 week old puppy because he borrowed the car a few times….Well, I know where he went and I can make the same trips for under $5 and her car is in better shape!
And of course, the weather has been contributing to my depression. We had a late March (or Early April’s Fool) snow.It barely covered the ground and didn’t stay around long
But more oft than naught, the sun has been hiding behind a mass of gray and the temperatures have been more winter like than spring. Of course I had opened my wooden framed windows when the temperatures had teased us with warmer than normal Spring-like temperatures; and now can’t close it!!! Grrrrrrrrr!!!
And of course….there is always my knitting…
.I have been knitting hats to match the scarves and knitting more scarves…I made the blue and white hat, and the scarlet and gray hat but have yet to make their matching scarves….although I have made about 3 of the scarlet and gray scarves that were given as presents. .Now I just need to start selling them before they take over my entire room!
So for now….I stay busy in my own way….Once again my mother-in-law is trying to influence where I do my grocery shopping…She prefers Kroger because she “saves so much money”….I haven’t seen anything in Kroger I couldn’t get cheaper at Giant Eagle AND save money on gas at the same time! So it looks like I will have to make 2 grocery trips each week.
So for now I’m trying…..
Hugs and Love to all my dear friends readin!!!