I can’t wait until Monday…..
I have paid off most of my new camera and will finish paying it off on the first…..Just in time to catch the last few regular season football games and it time for the County Fair in 2 weeks.
This is the Canon T3i. It is an 18mm camera (up from the 14mm I currently shoot with). It has an ISO level to 6400 expandable to 12800, does HD video and shoots 3.7 frames per second. Best thing is the lenses I have now will fit it, as will the memory cards.
It has left me almost broke, but it’s something worthwhile that I really want. Later I’ll send my other camera in for repairs.
Next up, I’m going to order some thing little by little to add to my photography equipment…I just ordered 2 additional batteries for the camera from Amazon and will order other things, like Macro lenses and extension tubes, maybe a battery pack grip, etc. I will need another camera bag, maybe I’ll go for the backpack type, or the roll around where I can include both cameras and my laptop….I’ll have to check out what’s available. I’ll need a lens hood, filters, a “Hot Shoe” flash, and a light diffuser; most of what I can get at Wal-Mart or a local photo store.
By the time I start school in January, I should have most of what I need. But that’s another story. I was going to take my application down to the college today to enroll, but due to the state of my checking account now, I’ll have to wait until next pay day. No big rush as I have to wait until October 5th for my 6 months at Wal-Mart to be eligible for their Scholarship program, and until November 1st to actually apply for the scholarship. Plenty of time before the November 29th orientation day.
So in the meantime, I’m going to enjoy using my new camera and developing a “portfolio” if you will….Fall is here, there are fairs, the Pumpkin Festival in Circleville. Before long, winter will be here with it’s frosty coverings.
I love the fair! The food, the animals, the tractor pulls and demolition derby. And this year, I paid the extra money and bought a track side seat to the concert!
I can’t wait. I’ve seen these guys in concert before but it’s been over 35 years. I’m anxious to hear what they play and sing.
I’m trying everything I can to keep from letting the depression of the holidays take over. I’m sure it’s going to be a long hard battle. I can not let myself think about the loss of my grandchildren in my life…maybe someday things will change, but for now I shed daily tears over the lack of contact with them….
But for no I struggle on….waiting for the good times and living day to day..
Hugs and Love to all!