I go to the youngest grandson’s basketball games and watch from afar….But I don’t get to talk to the my daughter’s youngest 3. I miss them.

I have been knitting up a storm. I have completed 9 scarves and have 6 more on needles to finish. My mother-in-law decided she could knit scarves, too so she bought a circular needle, had me start the scarf and she was going to complete it….After half a row, she couldn’t figure out what was wrong. Had she dropped a stitch?? She was planning on knitting scarves for my sister and brother-in-laws (6 scarves total). She handed the needle and yarn over to me, and it’s now my task to complete her presents to them….She really hadn’t dropped a stitch. What she had done was started purling when she should have been knitting…..So now my work load has doubled. It takes me about 2 days to finish one if I work at it. I now have enough yarn to knit through the winter!
Then my husbands Aunt called and asked if I could take some photographs of her great grand-daughter. They had pictures done at one of the stores previously and it cost them over $200! I told her I would charge her $25 for the sitting fee and make her a CD. Then if she wanted prints, I’d make a 4 x 6 proof of the better shots and she could pick and choose which prints and sizes and I would just charge her for what it cost to make them. My mother-in-law and I went to their country home yesterday with a few props we had come up with; bears, dogs, some blankets and table cloths for backdrops and a box wrapped in Christmas paper. We set up a white Christmas tree she had in the basement and decorated it on their heated sun porch….The prints were very pretty…It’s so easy when you have a cute subject. And I have found that most children photograph better when they are in familiar surroundings. Today I went to Wal-Mart to make the proof album, a sample Christmas card and a CD for them. I was paid $50 so far….a little extra in my pocket. (She has a sober look! )

I have been to Bingo now twice this month. They had a special where if you went on Friday, you could get a special 4 pack on Tuesday for less than what it cost me on Friday! So my mother-in-law and decided to go together since I had made money on my photography. I have been so close to winning more times than I can keep track of; but so far, all I have won was a door prize (a plastic container of caramel cremes….now all gone) and 2 “Critter Cash” coupons for $10 each off my next packet…so I can play Friday for $5. They are having special sessions on Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve with tons of prizes. The week after Christmas, I get $5 off my pack for my birthday, and if I go Christmas Eve, I’ll get $10 off on the next Tuesday! (or the special pack and $5 off). If I don’t win before the first of the year, I may not go as often as I have been….I don’t have the money to spend (or should I say waste!) but it does get me out of the house….I am becoming a hermit. I only go out to do my monthly errands; pay bills, buy some food, fill up the gas tank….Buy a new tire for my car since my son borrowed it and got a flat!
I put my tree up, and over half of the pre-strung lights were out, so I haven’t even decorated it yet. It started snowing here December 1st but didn’t stick the first day because it had rained all the day before. It has snowed every day since….Mostly flurries. We have a light coating of the white stuff….The grass still shows through, the roads are clear.

Just enough that the dogs and my outdoor cat doesn’t stay out for long.

My animals have been a great comfort. My mischief cat, Satan has found a new place to sit and lay.

But I wanted all of you to know that I’m still here. I miss all of you and I’m so glad you are my friends.
Hugs and Love to all! Happy Holidays! Be safe!
Your G-Daughter did a good job for her class. I haven't crocheted in a long time, can't get off here long enough. I'm still waiting for snow, a long wait I guess.
ReplyDeleteThat grandbaby is cute.
ReplyDeleteSo what will you be knitting when the weather warms up and there is no need for scarves. You could make some knitted mascots for the various teams you support.
ReplyDeleteI have been enjoying making Ragdolls but am getting bored with it now, I do not have a long attention span to do anything for long before I move on to the next thing, thats why I am not very good at anything I do. Too impatient!
The baby photos are lovely, her family must be pleased.
I have not even started putting any decorations up yet and not got the inclination to either. I don't get any visitors to do it for really and He is only ever the xmas grump at the best of times. Lasdt year was the first year we even put up a tree, I was gobsmacked when I got away with it. Usually there are only two christmasy ornaments on the shelf allowed.
Haven't decided what to knit next. May try a few hats or mittens, maybe even some slippers. I can read patterns, it doesn't mean things come out for me like they do in the patterns!
ReplyDeleteI used to make a new ornament every year for friends. The last one I made was a Christmas spider. So most of the ornaments on my tree are hand made. Maybe I'll go to the craft store and look around. I used to love going to church bazaars just to find new things. But this year, the money is so tight I have stayed away. I can not go and look and not buy something!
I can't wait to hear what the baby's family says about the photos...no word yet! But the day I took them they were ooing and ahhing over the shots on my camera.