For the past week or so, it has been cool and dreary….Last Wednesday, we finished our game in a light rain…Then Saturday, we started our game in a light rain….Evenings have been cool, cloudy and have done nothing to improve my mood.
For about the past month, I have gradually been burning out on football…..I miss watching my own grand children play: and watching other parents and grandparents enjoy their children and grand children playing just makes me miss mine more. Being a part of their old team this year has filled only a small part of the hole they left in my heart…..there is a void there that nothing has been able to fill.
But soon football will be over…..The last regular game of our season here is this Saturday…then they will begin Play-offs. This year our team is really in a slump…We went from a team winning most of their games, to a team only winning a couple of games….I hear parents coaches and team members say how much they miss my youngest grandson….that if he was here, they would be winning.
Perhaps if they would call me, write a letter, leave a message on my Face Book. or even just text me I would feel better….But I don’t hear from them……
I did get a phone call from my oldest grandson last week when he checked his cell phone and found he had missed a text from me. I learned that my grand-daughter can only use her phone certain times of the day. I found out my youngest grandson was at his first game….and the next day, I learned he had been the “star” player in their 30-0 win over the team they had played scoring all the extra points and most of the yardage..and I asked my son to allow him to call me sometime, so the next thing I knew I was talking to the youngest…..his voice is changing and I hardly recognized it. Although he loves playing football, he is not happy with the team he plays for….for him, it is just not the same either. I told him good luck, get some touchdowns for me, and if he could, get his mother to post some pictures of him playing and tag them so I could see him playing.
My youngest grandson had his second game Monday….and by checking his facebook page, I was able to see him in his uniform on the field.

The scoreboard during the 3rd quarter:
I am hoping to talk to him again soon….I would like to know how many of those points he himself made….
I am on foot again, as my car has a brake line problem. Unlike my youngest son who isn’t afraid of driving it, I am….I can’t afford an accident. I walk to the store, to football and anywhere else I need to go if I can’t get a ride with my mother-in-law; who has borrowed a car for her use. But if I just need to get out and do something, I walk. I walked 2 miles to the phone store to pay my phone/internet bill…..I walked to the new “Roses” store and “Aldi’s “for food…..I walked to the screen printers to pick up a shirt I had ordered….My knee doesn’t like the exercise….or the weather.
Last Friday, I went to Bingo with her. She won 2 instant games for $599 each, and once during the Flashboard game for another $300. She probably spent close to half of that….if I had won nearly $1500, I would have come home with no less than $1400….As it is, i split one jackpot with 3 other players (that gave me $25 of the 40 I had spent back!). During the game I realized why it seemed I had so much money left over….I had forgotten that my Shih-Tzu had a vet appointment on Monday and I was supposed to keep $55 aside! My memory gets worse every day….My mother-in-law gave me $100 of her winnings; and Monday she took me to the store to get some meats and to the vet….
If it wasn’t for my 2 little dogs, I think I would be depressed all the time….but when they look up at me or demand my attention, it’s hard not to smile.

The fair starts next weekend. I won’t have money to go until the last 2 days of it….I’ll hear the tractor pull and demolition derbys….and hear the concerts. I’ll smell the foods and watch endless streams of people trying to take up every available parking spot on our one way street; not caring if the residents have a place to park in front of their own homes….But I will have to wait to wander over and check out this year’s crafts and displays…..
And what do I have to look forward to????
Halloween, with no grandchildren
Thanksgiving with no grandchildrenChristmas…..with no grandchildrenAnother Birthday and a new year…..
And snow…..I love snow….but it’s just not the same without my grandchildren around to watch building snowmen, sledding down the hills at the park…..or snuggling together in the bed with……and this year, I won’t be going to basketball games or wrestling matches…..
I doubt I will even get an invitation to my Grand-daughter’s graduation in June….
But I will wait and hope…….
Hugs and Love to all my friends
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