Thursday, April 11, 2013


Well my first semester in college is almost over.  I don’t know what I was so worried about.  It must have been thinking about having to do English and Math after so many years…Well, now I know I’ll have 2 English classes, 3 math classes and Sociology along with a course called “The Human Machine”….basically an anatomy class in place of biology or chemistry.

This past semester I took Digital Darkroom, Art Design 1, Art Appreciation and English Composition with reading. My favorite course would be the Digital Darkroom since it deals with editing photos…


still life printsharon print 1psdMount Pleasant CropLooking Back cropped

But another class I have a lot of fun in is Art Design 1.  Basically, it’s an art class; with some drawing and some painting…(Did I mention that I am the oldest person in all my classes, except for my teacher in Art Appreciation who is 2 years older??)  I hit it off with the young crowd when they realized that I listen to the same music most of them do…Having never taken art in my High school days….you know back when there were still dinosaurs….I didn’t know how well I would do…

art design 002powershot 2300 004

Our final grade is dependent on a 2 person painting.  There is one person in my class no one wants to work with because he spends class time playing on the computer or his phone….and gets all of his ideas from the internet.  He’s going to college for “Game Design”….but he can’t draw his own designs???? I would much rather pick someone who at least is serious about school work, but when it came down to being paired up, I was the “lucky” one to get stuck with him….All my other classmates have expressed how sorry they are for me…You see another problem he has is very poor hygiene….i.e. HE STINKS!!

His total contribution so far is he wanted to do something  “Beatles” themed (It’s all he listens to and sings to himself….off key….and he doesn’t know half the words…..)  You know…..”Yellow Submarine”, “Octopus’s Garden”, “I am the Walrus”… I combined them….He was supposed to take the original drawing home and work on it….After 2 days off, this is his drawing:


Thank goodness I also worked on it:IMG_0160

Then we had to put this on a 3’ x3’ board and paint it….After 3 days it looked like this

Art Design 001He painted the Yellow blue and green as we didn’t have to mix those colors…I mixed and painted everything else….

the next time we painted,

Art design April 3 002 He painted the submarine…..Did I mention this class is 2 1/2 hours long?..

I did the shading, the tusks, re-mixed and painted the orange……I think you get the idea who is doing most of the work…..

One day he didn’t come to class…he said it was because he was sick…..Ooops! What happened to the clown car? I mean Submarine?

more on College 015My paint brush got white paint on it!!! Hey, the teacher said we couldn’t waste any paint….and anyway, she suggested I paint over it and start over to make it look more realistic….I forgot to take a picture today when I left the art hall, but I’ll take one Monday before we start painting again…but let’s just say the submarine is still white, but I did the darker shading on most of the colors while he tried to figure out how to draw portholes….

Then I got extra credit in my Art appreciation class where I had a “B” already….

my Art design 007I now have an A (97.23)…

Basically, I have already passed English Composition but I have 1 last composition….Did I mention I hate writing when you are constrained by only using certain topics and forced to follow a set pattern??? (at least 750 words, A Thesis Paragraph, 3 body paragraphs and a conclusion paragraph)

Spring Semester ends May 1st.  My last day of English will be April 23rd if my composition passes without needing any editing….My finals are due April 30th for Digital Darkroom. I’ve signed up for my summer and Autumn semesters….Summer will be a necessary evil (English Comp 2, basic math Sociology) beginning May 20th.  But Autumn will be a blast! I’ll have Photoshop, Black and White Photography, Glass Blowing, Dinnerware (ceramics) Beginning Algebra and this idiot course called HC Cornerstone. (for new college students…I’ve been told there is no real learning in this class)

So Now I’ve caught you up on school….I’ll blog again soon on more of my projects….

Hugs and Love to All!

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