Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Another step towards change.

The other night, I did some “house cleaning”.

I went through all of my e-mail accounts and deleted people who I don’t know, or who I have not heard from in ages and never get e-mails from.  I also deleted family members who no longer talk to me, or I don’t talk to them or want nothing to do with me.  Then I made all my e-mail accounts private.

I also had 2 “My Space” pages with photo albums and blogs, and more contacts I really don’t know. I deleted both of them completely. Then, I created a new personal e-mail account that I will only give to those deserving of my friendship/relationship…and created a new “My Space”.  I sent e-mails to several of the contacts I had there that I do want to keep in contact with…(oops! Just remember someone I forgot to add!)

My thought process goes like this: Everyone knows where I live.  Most of my friends and family have my telephone number, e-mail accounts and facebook page. If it is someone who really cares about me, they will contact me.  If they don’t, it’s their loss not mine and I should not be bothered by people who only use me. I am tired of being a taxi, delivery service, “loan” company, supply company and messenger service.  Family only calls me when they need a ride, need me to pick something up, need to borrow money, need me to make something or need something they know I always have around or want me to “get a message” to someone. Don’t get me wrong! I like to be needed and to be helpful! But there has way to much giving and not enough getting in return.

I am tired of being the one taking the pictures, and not being in the pictures.

So my vow is to change.  I am going to learn how to say no, even if I feel guilty at first. I know after a few times of saying no, some people will not ask again. And that’s okay, too! I am not saying I will quit helping all together, but there will be a new me in town. I need to be happy if I am going to survive this hermit life I am living. 

From Now on, it’s all about me!

Thanks to all my friends on the internet who have stuck with me through my ups and downs. A big HUG to each of you! Thanks for your kind encouraging words, your uplifting thoughts and your prayers. I truly love you all.  My one wish is someday we could all meet and actually exchange those hugs!

Hugs and Love to all!



  1. Be firm in saying NO as I've done...feels sooo good and my BP is much

  2. Life on here is a step away from the reality and humdrum of real life and should be a nice place to be with friends who do not judge or interfere but lift you up when you are down and laugh with you when you are happy.

  3. I totally agree with Curiosity here. I might have a clean sweep of some of my email contacts as well. Don't quite know how I've ended up with so many.

  4. If we don't think we are number one then no one else will either. Follow through with your decision.

  5. Thanks to everyone for your kind thoughts. I am sticking with my guns and going back to doing what makes me happy. I went to Football practice tonight as I made the banner for the Saturday play-off game and wanted to give it to the cheer coach. I talked with frineds there and I will always be a part of the team. I know it must make my daughter mad that she can't keep me away! I may not be able to talk to my grandchildren, but I can enjoy watching them play!
