Day by day, it gets a little cooler. Soon it will be Halloween…Then Thanksgiving….Then Christmas….Snow will fall, the world will be white and glistening…Christmas carols will be in the air….One of my favorite times of the year….Then my Birthday and before you know it, a new year will sneak up on us all.
Day by day, football season gets closer and closer to the last game. No more will we venture out to the practices and the games….No more banners to paint….The cheer of the crowd will dim and fade….And my days of seeing my grandchildren 5 times a week will be just a memory.
Day by day, my oldest grandson will learn what it is to be a US soldier. Before long, he will complete Basic training and graduate….the days of the “Gas Chamber”, learning to eat in 2 minutes, training with M16A4, DI’s in his face all day and the daily routine of PT, eat,sleep and learning will be just another experience in the beginning of his new adult life. He will be off to another base and Airborne school…High school now is just a memory; and college is on the horizon.
I try to live each day as it comes. I make the most of what I have and try to forget the things I can’t or don’t have. I’ll never be able to get all those missed days with the grandchildren back…missed birthdays, missed first days, missed hugs and kisses, the grand-daughter I will never know.. Now I wait for the mail….for a letter from my Army grandson….for a letter from my mom…..for a text or call from my grand-daughter….or my sister. Hoping every day that when the time is right, things will change…That I will get to see those things again…to see my grandson march with his platoon when he graduates….That money, or lack of it, won’t stop me from being there.

Do I have regrets??? Don’t we all?? Would I change anything?? Maybe some things. But I will never apologize for my feelings…It’s the only thing of mine I can have…
As the days wear on, bringing new trials and tribulations, I will face each one as it comes. Some, I may conquer, and some my try to conquer me. It’s time I break out the photo albums and stacks of pictures to organize…I can pull out my knitting needles and work on some scarves. Maybe I will save a little money and get a new sewing machine so I can get back to quilting. I want to make a Americana type quilt with some family history intertwined among the squares.
I have the computer and my many friends here to boost me up when I am feeling low…And I love each and every one of them. I wish I could meet them all and give them a big hug….just to say “Thanks for being there….for helping me through”.
To each and everyone of you, I wish you only the best….You are the greatest…..I hope everyday is filled with sunshine and love….
Hugs and Love to all!
I wish the best for you as well.