In 2 weeks time, I have:
Created and Painted 3 Football BannersI also have ran my own errands as well as taken my mother in law to do her errands, ran my husband to the Flea market and my son to the mall, as well as shopping, picking up pictures from the photographer and many other things too numerous to name.
Attended 8 Football games
Knitted 3 scarves
Created 3 hard back photo books on-line
Printed over 50 pictures
Played umpteen Facebook games
Given 1 haircut
Played 1 night of Bingo (Note; I did not win!)
Written 6 letters to my grandson
Needless to say, I have kept myself busy. Not only does the knitting keep my hands and my mind busy, but I hope to be able to sell the scarves for little extra income. My son had found a pattern on-line several (about 6 or 8) years ago for knitting “Harry Potter” scarves. The first Pattern he found me was the “Chamber of secrets'’ pattern; basically two tones worked in alternate rows of 20 each color knitted in the round until there are 11 of one color and 9 of the other….With fringe, these scarves measure over 72” in length (1.28 meters) . Lots of length and width to wrap around your head and neck with plenty of tail to tuck in to coats or jackets….and warm!
Then when the“Prisoner of Azkaban” came out, the patter changed to what is know as the ‘trapped bar’ pattern….27 rows of the darker color, 3 rows light, 5 rows dark, 3 rows light continued on until you end with 27 rows of dark….fringe on both ends….

The main problem I had with knitting is I had to find the right size circular needle. I have one I have used many, many times. I never knew what size it was as it was given to me and there was no packaging or marking….The problem is, I have used my needle to knit so many of the scarves over time that mine poor needle was beginning to show it’s age. One I used was totally plastic and began to fray. The most recent one had aluminum needles with plastic cording….and one end kept coming off dropping stitches. No problem , right? You just go to the local fabric or crafts store and find one the same size….Three stores later, after purchasing one and having to return to the store to replace one the wrong size, I now have a new Bamboo circular needle….size 8- 24” long…..This time, I slipped the older needle into the package and put the whole thing in my kitting bag.
I made one scarf for the coach of one of the youth football league teams in his team colors….yellow and red. The team who won the championship was one we had been with 7 or 8 years ago and the Head coach of that team actually has 2 scarves I made for him…one in team colors and one in all white…I have picked up more yarn to create at least 3 more scarves in team and “Harry Potter” colors (with the new movie coming out) . Payday, I will get more yarn, extra needles and I have a patter for matching mittens and hats….which I will need needles in 2 smaller sizes…..if I can find them. I may have to order them on-line.
Today I got a nice surprise. I had not heard from my grandson in over a month and I knew he was busy. I was hoping that was the reason I had not heard from him. I didn’t think his mother would be able to turn him against me but you never know. Spite and Hatred are evil things and they make people do stupid things.
When I went to the mailbox today, I had a letter from my grandson. He told me how busy he had been in the field with different artillery, PT and classes. He went on to tell me the next 2 weeks were going to seam boring compared to the past month. He graduates from Basic training on November 19th…

I couldn’t stop smiling….especially when I found his picture in the bottom of the envelope…He told me he has order other prints and a book to show me when he gets home. I can’t wait for his Christmas leave….I really miss him.
Hugs and Love to all!
Christmas with your grandson will be wonderful for you both
ReplyDeleteTake care
Lovely news about your grandson, great to hear you have it to look forward to :) You have been busy. How enterprising of you with the excellent idea and serves many purposes too not least keeping you bright and positive! Your scarves look great you're clearly very good at the skill of knitting so you should do well with the money making scheme as well... go for it!