Tonight was the football banquet and I was a little apprehensive. My Grandchildren haven’t spoke to me in over a month and I was not sure what would happen. I had a busy day…playing “rush around town”. I had to add money to my card for my car insurance payment, buy something to make to take to the Banquet and finish a photo project I was making for the assistant coaches. My mother-in-law rode along so she could make a copy of a Veteran photo I had and buy some Thanksgiving cards.
While waiting for the “Useless lump” to get home from work with the money, I made a new book on line of the Veterans in my family…Somewhere I have a poem I want to add to it, and some photos of flags I took at various things over the years that would make a great cover photo. So it’s not quite done.
I made Tuna casserole and while it was cooking, I ran back to the store to pick up some one hour prints I had made. I got back just in time to take my mother-in-law to Bingo on my way to the Banquet. Thank goodness I had thought far enough ahead to put everything I was taking right by the door!
I was a little early for the banquet, but I had brought along some knitting as I knew that later I would be waiting for the Bingo to end to give my mother-in-law a ride home.
I had been up in the air about whether I should give my grandson the book, as I have in past years, even though he wasn’t talking to me. Part of me wanted to hear him ask for it and speak first. But the grandmother in me said I should give it to him without any stipulations….and that is exactly what I did. As soon as I saw him, I gave it to him and said “Happy Birthday”….followed by a snide “Thank-you grandma, I love you grandma”….which he repeated. It was a hit with him and all the other football players he showed it to, and I was proud of my decision.
As you know, I took photos all season long of the football team. Every year one of the coaches makes a DVD of photos he compiles….This year, I provided all but 10 of the photos he used…Talk about a big hit! Everyone loved the photos and the video! You should have heard the kids when they saw their own picture or some of the plays….the tackles, the runs, the expressions….And I was secretly proud of being a big part of it.
Much to my surprise, The head coach called me up and thanked me for helping with “all the Little things” he doesn’t like to mess with. He handed me a card and inside the card was $20. I also got $10 from the Team Mom for all the help….And another coach gave me a laminated copy of the article about our girl football player. I didn’t do any of it for the money….But the recognition sure made me smile….
Perhaps my best recognition came when many of the parents went up to the coach and asked for copies of the DVD and the book….My daughter had told some of the parents that I was the one who made the book…..So in her own way, she may have even been a little proud of me. I politely walked away when she began giving the coach her phone number, as I know she doesn’t want me to have it……
Even my grand-daughter spoke to me….As I type now, I have tears of happiness in my eyes…I love them all and maybe in time, I will once again be a part of their lives.
Hugs and Love to all my wonderful friends!!
You are one busy lady and I can see the good in you and I think your daughter is proud of you. I'm glad you had a good time at the banquet.