So…I don’t get to write blogs as often as I used to. My Grandsons have been commandeering the computer from Friday evening through Sunday nights. The 2 younger boys have come over for the past 2 weeks. Last weekend, my grand-daughter came over with the oldest grandson to borrow a flash drive to do her homework. My Oldest had his Reserve weekend and kept the car Friday through Sunday. Then my oldest son took the car from Sunday evening through Wednesday morning to go visit his best friend. While the grandchildren were here, I managed to get photos of me with the 4 of them. My previous blog had the younger two, here are the older 2.
My grand-daughter Racheal
the oldest, Cody (doesn’t he look happy?)
In all fairness, Cody hates his picture being taken. And he had very little sleep this weekend with his reserve meeting. He is a night owl. So staying up all night and working 8-9 hours really takes it’s toll. I don’t get my picture taken often, and I’m not fond of what I look like. Mother nature has really aged me and not in a good way! Racheal was laughing as Cody was taking the pictures and kept shooting shot after shot and turning the camera as he went. I don’t care what I look like in the photos, as long as I have a photo of each grandchild with me before they move away.
So I have been knitting up a storm. I have a few scarves I am working on, but mostly I have been using up my scrap yarn making the dishcloth/prayer cloths. I have made Angels, Hearts, An Army Eagle (this pattern is much larger than the others), an OSU one, Butterflies, and frogs so far. I have found one web site that has several all the exact same size…52 rows. There are many sites to choose from for patterns. I know I’ll be trying others.
But to my main subject….MEN!! I have one…I’d gladly shoot him if it was legal. He’s a real piece of work. When I met him, he kept himself neat and clean and was in the Navy. The pay was good and we got along well with the deployments and duty. Then 6 months before he retired, he screwed up. Not only did he screw up, but he lied to me about it! At the time I defended him all the way…until I learned the truth. Then instead of listening to me, he failed to fill out proper paperwork before he retired….He was overpaid, and the military decided to take 2 months to take all of it back! He received no retirement pay for 2 months, and then a reduced pay for over a year. We lost our new van, and then our house…I managed to buy a old beater car and arrange to buy a mobile home with the money I made, and we survived. Later, too late to do anything about it, I learned that he didn’t fill out the paperwork to continue his life insurance.
He could have had a very good civilian job when he retired; but he decided he’d worked enough! The first job he had was mowing lawns at a golf driving range…barely minimum wage. He managed to get pulled over in our only car, and get it impounded when he was driving on a suspended license. It would have cost me more to get it out than to buy a new one. I did buy another car, and it was totaled the week after I paid it off in a 4 car accident in which I was the third car!
Then his father became ill and he tried to escape in the middle of the night without telling me anything about where he was going. His family had been contacting him at work so I wouldn’t know anything. He later returned after cashing in an insurance policy his mother had on him. When his father passed away a year later, we came here for the funeral….and again, behind my back, the family decided we should move here to be close to his family. His brother was going to put him through school to get his CDL license and hire him to drive trucks long distance with him….Then he would move me here when he had a job and a place to live….5 months later I moved here….he had no job or place for us to live! NO problem! I cashed in my 401K, rented an apartment and got a job babysitting for my daughter which the city paid me for. I even bought a small car. (Do you see the pattern here yet?)
So…he managed to lose the truck driving job when he got a speeding ticket….after a couple of weeks, I managed to get him a job working in a store as a truck un-loader…..again; barely minimum wage and only part-time! I even filed for legal separation once and got a court ordered allotment which I enforce to this day! We may live together, but I make sure he gives me the exact amount every month and we no longer sleep in the same room. His hygiene habits are worse than that of a homeless person.
Being the smart one, I kept renter’s insurance on the places we lived. Lucky for us too as we had a fire in one place (electrical) and lost $30,000 in personal items. Now we live in the other half of my mother-in-law’s duplex for which we only pay utilities. The most we have to really do is the yard work….mowing the law, trimming, and cleaning up. He can’t even do that! The 3 days (under 20 hours) he works makes him lazy!
Today I went outside to clean up his mess…I was tired of looking at it. He “collects” items from the trash which he recycles….but he can’t manage to clean up anything.

I can’t even get him to rinse his dish out or carry it to the sink!!…And then I have to let the dishes soak to loosen all the crap that is dried on…
So If I could find an easy way to get rid of him, and still keep his retirement benefits, I would…No love lost.
Hugs and Love to all!