Sunday, May 15, 2011

The little things



Little Things in Life

by Regina Riggs

Too often we don't realize
what we have until it is gone;
Too often we wait too late to say
"I'm sorry - I was wrong"
Sometimes it seems we hurt the ones
we hold dearest to our hearts;
And we allow foolish things
to tear our lives apart
Far too many times we let
unimportant things into our minds;
And then it's usually too late
to see what made us blind
So be sure that you let people know
how much they mean to you;
Take that time to say the words
before your time is through
Be sure that you appreciate
everything you've got
And be thankful for the little things
in life that mean a lot

It is said that big things come in small packages..

People always tell you to learn to appreciate the little things.

And how many times have you heard it’s not the size of the package, but the giving of the gift?

This weekend, I was given a Precious gift….time with not only the grandson who has been spending weekends with me, but his younger brother, too. My daughter took my grand-daughter on a house hunting trip to Florida for 4 days; leaving the oldest grandson (19 years old) to watch his younger 2 brothers. After all,they still have 3 more weeks of school. The middle grandson has spent the last few months coming to my house on Friday and leaving on Sunday evening.  We don’t do a whole lot….Talking, sharing stories and photos, telling jokes, watching TV, playing on the computer….But is comforting to me to have him here…When I learned my daughter was going to Florida for the weekend, I told my oldest grandson to tell the youngest grandson that he could come over for the weekend, too as long as it was okay with his mother.  Saturday morning, he texted me and asked me to come and get him. I was ecstatic! He hasn’t been allowed to even really talk to me since October!

May 14th 013

As usual, I let the grandchildren decide the menu for the weekend.  Nothing really extravagant or expensive; but it always includes a 5 quart bucket of ice cream for milk shakes, soda and Crackers (Cheese-its). Usually I get up and make scrambled eggs for breakfast, too. I hadn’t realized that my husband had provided the Cheese crackers, which was nice because when I had gone shopping this past week, it was the last thing on my list, and I had to leave it off due to lack of enough money.

Ever since I learned they were moving, I have managed to burst into uncontrollable tears at least once every weekend when I thought about them moving away.  This weekend though was different.  The laughter controlled the mood and we had a great weekend.

On top of the grandsons being here, I started a new project…They are called Prayer Cloths….It is a knitted “dish cloth” with an image knitted into it.  I received one about 6 years ago when I went to Florida and always wanted to learn how to do them….I finally broke down and did dome internet research.  I found a whole “boat load” of patterns so I decided to copy a few and try them out. They don’t take long, but you do have to keep track of the rows….Believe me, I know…I started one and was texting 2 people at once and lost track where I was….Twice! So I ended up pulling out several rows and starting again….

May 14th 014 Angel May 14th 016 OSU May 14th 017 heart

To top the weekend off, I even made $60 on some of the furniture I was trying to get rid of….A lot less than the $1000 it probably cost me when I bought it, but I have no where to put it and I really don’t want to store it anymore. I hated to get rid of it because unless I win the lottery, I’ll never have new furniture of my own again. But the money is needed more now. And I was able to buy “take Out” dinner for all my boys….2 sons and 2 grandsons….And spoil the youngest with his favorite snack….Donut Holes!!

I have plenty of left over yarn that I am going to use to make these Prayer Cloths/dish cloths….I have plenty of patterns to choose from; and I will probably make dishcloths fro sale and as Christmas gifts.  I’ll take the prayer cloths to some of the local ministers and see if they can disperse them when they do their visits to the sick or elderly.

I have started taking apart the T-shirts for the quilt I plan on making and will keep you posted on it’s progress….Also, I will be working on a scrap book of sorts for the grandchildren; as well as some posters for the 2 that played on the football team for the past 4 years.

So to all my friends out there, Hugs an Love to you all!

May 14th 010  My dog Dusty…begging!




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