Lest we forget….
Our family has had over 40 members of the armed service over the many generations… One Paid the Ultimate Price. He was killed in Action and is buried in France.
On my Dad’s side; One died in the War between the states at the Battle of Shiloh Tennessee. His name was John W. Allen. Research has found that he died from illness not from an injury in the battle. Two others, Phillip Cooker and Phillip Hall also served in this war. Each year, their tombstones are decorated with a flag noting their service.
Then there was my grandfather; who served in World War I;
And three of his sons including my father who served in several Wars including World War II, Korea and Vietnam;
Three Uncles who married into our clan of Allen’s also served but I do Not have a photo for these men. They are William Crow, Cameron Clark and Carl Crow. Carl earned a bronze star. William and Carl are cousins. Their graves have markers which I have some photos of, but not all. Next time I go “south” for a visit, I will get more photos.
My mother’s family also has a long line of Veterans, her among them. (My Mother and Father were both serving in Port Deposit, Maryland when they were married.)
And many of her cousins:
And a brother-in-law; Alvin Lewter, whom I don’t have any photos of.
I have been married twice. Both my father-in-laws and husbands have served;
As well as members of their families.
And the traditions continue….Many sons,
in-laws, daughters, grandsons, second and third cousins……and more
And these are just the ones that I have photos for. I am Missing many. My ex was in the Air Force for a time and I had a cousin in the Navy. Many, Many more have served…
Our greatest thanks goes out to all.
An impressive line-up!