Saturday, June 25, 2011

What happened??

My heart is breaking right now.

Before the “Big Move”, one of my grandsons had been coming over every single weekend for over 4 months.  Before he left, he promised me he would text me, write me or call me every day so I wouldn’t miss him.

He said he’d never forget me .

He has a Facebook page, or at least, he had one. 

I was sitting outside with my in-laws today who had brought over a printer for my mother-in-law.  It was an older 3-in-1 printer and after several times of installing, uninstalling, buying new cords and downloading updated drivers, my sister-in-law gave up and went out and bought a new printer….Much to my mother-in-law’s disapproval as she thinks no one should spend money on her….Hey! Spend it on me!!! I won’t say a word!!!!

My brother-in-law was busy going through photos albums looking for a “centuries” old photo of him one Halloween when he was a die hard “Gene Simmons/Kiss” fan. (Teenagers, what can I say….he’s over 40 now!!)

I visited with his 2 grandchildren who are friends of mine on some of the games I play on Facebook.   Then they bought Pizza for dinner and we all sat around on the porch chatting about different things, football, work, etc.  They finally went home around 9:30 p.m…..and I went to get on the computer.

I wanted to check on the grandkids to see what they had been doing…. and my grandson, who said he would make sure he talked to me every day was gone from my friends list.

I noticed his sister was on-line so I asked her if she would find out what happened.  I guess he has deleted his entire Facebook page…so I won’t be hearing from him, at least not that way….And we chatted/texted for a few minutes.  I told her I’d have the phones back on by next Friday and asked her if she still loved me….you never know these days with kids…Love you one minute, take away their cell phone and they hate you the next….Her answer was “Idk (text terminology for I don’t know), Is the sky still blue?”  so I guess that means yes…I told her it was kind of dark outside so I couldn’t tell….but she told me to wait until the morning to check…Hopefully the sky is not black tomorrow and we have a day as nice as today.

In the meantime, I miss everyone of them and wish they would all just send me a message once in awhile; whether it be e-mail, Facebook or whatever telling me that they missed me as much as I miss them…

I need my cell phone back on…..and Friday is almost a week away…..

Hugs and Love to all

(who are keeping me sane and cheering me up!!!)


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