Thursday evening, I had to take my youngest grandson home for the last time. I was trying to be strong and not cry, but that was an impossible feat. So I tried to be positive. After choking out the words “I love you, and I will miss you every moment of every day”in between sobs and tears, I encouraged him to have fun. After all, He was on a new adventure. He’d be living a block from the beach, he’d be going to a new school in a strange place and he is going to make new friends….He’s just that kind of a person.
He’s hoping to get on a new football league team in his new city. He also was getting very emotional saying it looked like he was going to be the only one in his family to miss me. He promised to keep in touch via Facebook and let me know the name and mascot for his new team….and he promised something else….He promised he would continue his “career” as a star running back and make every touchdown for me….That really touched my heart.
It broke my heart to see him cry. I tried to comfort him and tell him not to cry, but that’s hard to do when,
a) you are driving and,
b) you are crying just as hard! !
So we tried laughing at our crying! As we parted, we hugged each other tightly and never said goodbye. Just I love you and I will miss you every day.
On Friday, My oldest grandson came over to borrow a wrench to disconnect their washer. After the truck was loaded and while his mother was showering, he came back to return it. The last thing they had to load was the refrigerator. He said they would be leaving soon. We talked about his plans with the Army, whether he would have to transfer units, etc. And I told him I was going to miss all of them. He held me as I cried and rubbed my back trying to comfort me… I wish that hug could last forever; but it lasted as long as it could. I will cherish the memory of it.
And thus, begins my new life without grandchildren….
So back to the topic….the internet. First of all; there is Facebook who has put me in touch with old school friends, long , lost relatives and made new friends. It keeps me in touch with all 7 of the grandchildren as now, they all have their own pages; and they all live far away.
Then there is the wonders of search engines…..How did we ever get along without them??
Remember when you moved to a new place as a child? How it was such an adventure because you were moving to a new place you had never seen before? Not anymore! Now you can search for photos of your new house, job, schools, shopping malls, area attractions, etc….And for me, I can see where my grandchildren will be. So I did a search;
Real Estate Sales: their new house!
And on the Realtors site: backyard and
interior views.
And my Daughter’s new place of employment:
including interior views!
Thanks to facebook, my grand-daughter was able to share photos of what they would be enjoying:
I look forward to seeing more as they settle in….
Hugs and Love to all my dear friends who share in my times of sorrow, happiness and insanity!
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