Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day tribute to those who serve

Lest we forget….

Our family has had over 40 members of the armed service over the many generations… One Paid the Ultimate Price. He was killed in Action and is buried in France.

Granville RussellOn my Dad’s side; One died in the War between the states at the Battle of Shiloh Tennessee. His name was John W. Allen. Research has found that he died from illness not from an injury in the battle. Two others, Phillip Cooker and Phillip Hall also served in this war. Each year, their tombstones are decorated with a flag noting their service.

Military Marker Phillip Hall  Phillip Cooker

Then there was my grandfather; who served in World War I;

Ark B Allen

And three of his sons including my father who served in several Wars including World War II, Korea and Vietnam;

Arnold R Allen  Bob Allen Paul Allen

Three Uncles who married into our clan of Allen’s also served but I do Not have a photo for these men. They are William Crow, Cameron Clark and Carl Crow. Carl earned a bronze star. William and Carl are cousins. Their graves have markers which I have some photos of, but not all. Next time I go “south” for a visit, I will get more photos.

Clark, Cameron Korea

My mother’s family also has a long line of Veterans, her among them. (My Mother and Father were both serving in Port Deposit, Maryland when they were married.)

Margaret Clark David Clark Putnam Clark

And many of her cousins:

George Currier Russell R. Clark HERBERT LORD

And a brother-in-law; Alvin Lewter, whom I don’t have any photos of.

I have been married twice. Both my father-in-laws and husbands have served;

Keith Fay Marvin Disbennett

As well as members of their families.

Disbennett 1 Harold Disbennett Glen Foor Jr Lloyd Disbennett Fred Gustufson

And the traditions continue….Many sons,

Chip Allen Terry Disbennett Mark DisbennettDavid Gustufson 

in-laws, daughters, grandsons, second and third cousins……and more

Terry Ward David Ward Michael Warner 

 Jeremiah Disbennett Shawn DisbennettKendra

Cody Basic Training 001 Andrew Andrew Currier

William Porter and Rachel Stubbs Damien Bullard Noelle Curriers brother Saul Ugarte

Elizabeth Porter Sailer 

And these are just the ones that I have photos for.  I am Missing many.  My ex was in the Air Force for a time and I had a cousin in the Navy.   Many, Many more have served…

Our greatest thanks goes out to all.


Thursday, May 26, 2011

Can’t shoot them!

So…I don’t get to write blogs as often as I used to.  My Grandsons have been commandeering the computer from Friday evening through Sunday nights. The 2 younger boys have come over for the past 2 weeks.  Last weekend, my grand-daughter came over with the oldest grandson to borrow a flash drive to do her homework.  My Oldest had his Reserve weekend and kept the car Friday through Sunday. Then my oldest son took the car from Sunday evening through Wednesday morning to go visit his best friend. While the grandchildren were here, I managed to get photos of me with the 4 of them. My previous blog had the younger two, here are the older 2.

May 2011 002 My grand-daughter Racheal

May 2011 013 the oldest, Cody (doesn’t he look happy?)

In all fairness, Cody hates his picture being taken.  And he had very little sleep this weekend with his reserve meeting. He is a night owl.  So staying up all night and working 8-9 hours really takes it’s toll.  I don’t get my picture taken often, and I’m not fond of what I look like.  Mother nature has really aged me and not in a good way! Racheal was laughing as Cody was taking the pictures and kept shooting shot after shot and turning the camera as he went. I don’t care what I look like in the photos, as long as I have a photo of each grandchild with me before they move away.

So I have been knitting up a storm.  I have a few scarves I am working on, but mostly I have been using up my scrap yarn making the dishcloth/prayer cloths.  I have made Angels, Hearts, An Army Eagle (this pattern is much larger than the others), an OSU one, Butterflies, and frogs so far. I have found one web site that has several all the exact same size…52 rows. There are many sites to choose from for patterns. I know I’ll be trying others.

But to my main subject….MEN!! I have one…I’d gladly shoot him if it was legal. He’s a real piece of work.  When I met him, he kept himself neat and clean and was in the Navy.  The pay was good and we got along well with the deployments and duty.  Then 6 months before he retired, he screwed up.  Not only did he screw up, but he lied to me about it!  At the time I defended him all the way…until I learned the truth.  Then instead of listening to me, he failed to fill out proper paperwork before he retired….He was overpaid, and the military decided to take 2 months to take all of it back! He received no retirement pay for 2 months, and then a reduced pay for over  a year.  We lost our new van, and then our house…I managed to buy a old beater car and arrange to buy a mobile home with the money I made, and we survived. Later, too late to do anything about it, I learned that he didn’t fill out the paperwork to continue his life insurance.

He could have had a very good civilian job when he retired; but he decided he’d worked enough! The first job he had was mowing lawns at a golf driving range…barely minimum wage.  He managed to get pulled over in our only car, and get it impounded when he was driving on a suspended license. It would have cost me more to get it out than to buy a new one. I did buy another car, and it was totaled the week after I paid it off in a 4 car accident in which I was the third car!

Then his father became ill and he tried to escape in the middle of the night without telling me anything about where he was going.  His family had been contacting him at work so I wouldn’t know anything.  He later returned after cashing in an insurance policy his mother had on him. When his father passed away a year later, we came here for the funeral….and again, behind my back, the family decided we should move here  to be close to his family. His brother was going to put him through school to get his CDL license and hire him to drive trucks long distance with him….Then he would move me here when he had a job and a place to live….5 months later I moved here….he had no job or place for us to live! NO problem! I cashed in my 401K, rented an apartment and got a job babysitting for my daughter which the city paid me for. I even bought a small car. (Do you see the pattern here yet?)

So…he managed to lose the truck driving job when he got a speeding ticket….after a couple of weeks, I managed to get him a job working in a store as a truck un-loader…..again; barely minimum wage and only part-time! I even filed for legal separation once and got a court ordered allotment which I enforce to this day! We may live together, but I make sure he gives me the exact amount every month and we no longer sleep in the same room. His hygiene habits are worse than that of a homeless person.

Being the smart one, I kept renter’s insurance on the places we lived.  Lucky for us too as we had a fire in one place (electrical) and lost $30,000 in personal items. Now we live in the other half of my mother-in-law’s duplex for which we only pay utilities. The most we have to really do is the yard work….mowing the law, trimming, and cleaning up.  He can’t even do that! The 3 days (under 20 hours) he works makes him lazy!

May 2011 020 May 2011 019 before

Today I went outside to clean up his mess…I was tired of looking at it. He “collects” items from the trash which he recycles….but he can’t manage to clean up anything.

 May 2011 021May 2011 022after

I can’t even get him to rinse his dish out or carry it to the sink!!…And then I have to let the dishes soak to loosen all the crap that is dried on…

So If I could find an easy way to get rid of him, and still keep his retirement benefits, I would…No love lost.

Hugs and Love to all!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Angel Prayer Cloth Pattern

Angel Cloth
Copyright © November 2007

Designed by : Amy-lynne Mitchell
Materials: 1 ball cotton
Size US 6 needles
CO 33 - k
row 2 knit
row 3 knit
row 4 knit
row 5 k2 p29 k2
row 6 and all even knit across
row 7 k2 p29 k2
row 9 k2 p5 k19 p5 k2
row 11 k2 p6 k17 p6 k2
row 13 k2 p7 k15 p7 k2
row 15 k2 p8 k13 p8 k2
row 17 k2 p3 k1 p5 k11 p5 k1 p3 k2
row 19 k2 p3 k1 p6 k9 p6 k1 p3 k2
row 21 k2 p3 k2 p5 k9 p5 k2 p3 k2
row 23 k2 p3 k3 p4 k9 p4 k3 p3 k2
row 25 k2 p3 k3 p5 k7 p5 k3 p3 k2
row 27 k2 p3 k4 p4 k7 p4 k4 p3 k2
row 29 k2 p3 k2 p1 k2 p3 k7 p3 k2 p1 k2 p3 k2
row 31 k2 p3 k2 p1 k2 p4 k5 p4 k2 p1 k2 p3 k2
row 33 k2 p3 k2 p1 k3 p3 k5 p3 k3 p1 k2 p3 k2
row 35 k2 p3 k2 p1 k1 p1 k2 p2 k5 p2 k2 p1 k1 p1 k2 p3 k2
row 37 k2 p3 k2 p1 k1 p1 k3 p1 k5 p1 k3 p1 k1 p1 k2 p3 k2
row 39 k2 p3 k2 p1 k1 p1 k1 p1 k9 p1 k1 p1 k1 p1 k2 p3 k2
row 41 k2 p3 k2 p1 k1 p1 k1 p1 k9 p1 k1 p1 k1 p1 k2 p3 k2
row 43 k2 p3 k2 p1 k1 p1 k3 p1 k5 p1 k3 p1 k1 p1 k2 p3 k2
row 45 k2 p3 k2 p1 k1 p1 k2 p1 k1 p1 k3 p1 k1 p1 k2 p1 k1 p1 k2 p3 k2
row 47 k2 p3 k2 p1 k3 p1 k1 p1 k1 p3 k1 p1 k1 p1 k3 p1 k2 p3 k2
row 49 k2 p3 k2 p1 k3 p1 k1 p1 k1 p3 k1 p1 k1 p1 k3 p1 k2 p3 k2
row 51 k2 p4 k5 p1 k1 p1 k1 p3 k1 p1 k1 p1 k5 p4 k2
row 53 k2 p5 k3 p2 k1 p2 k3 p2 k1 p2 k3 p5 k2
row 55 k2 p11 k1 p5 k1 p11 k2
row 57 k2 p12 k5 p12 k2
row 59 k2 p29 k2
row 61 k2 p29 k2
row 62 knit
row 63 knit
row 64 knit
row 65 knit
row 66 knit bind off and weave in ends

Sunday, May 15, 2011

The little things



Little Things in Life

by Regina Riggs

Too often we don't realize
what we have until it is gone;
Too often we wait too late to say
"I'm sorry - I was wrong"
Sometimes it seems we hurt the ones
we hold dearest to our hearts;
And we allow foolish things
to tear our lives apart
Far too many times we let
unimportant things into our minds;
And then it's usually too late
to see what made us blind
So be sure that you let people know
how much they mean to you;
Take that time to say the words
before your time is through
Be sure that you appreciate
everything you've got
And be thankful for the little things
in life that mean a lot

It is said that big things come in small packages..

People always tell you to learn to appreciate the little things.

And how many times have you heard it’s not the size of the package, but the giving of the gift?

This weekend, I was given a Precious gift….time with not only the grandson who has been spending weekends with me, but his younger brother, too. My daughter took my grand-daughter on a house hunting trip to Florida for 4 days; leaving the oldest grandson (19 years old) to watch his younger 2 brothers. After all,they still have 3 more weeks of school. The middle grandson has spent the last few months coming to my house on Friday and leaving on Sunday evening.  We don’t do a whole lot….Talking, sharing stories and photos, telling jokes, watching TV, playing on the computer….But is comforting to me to have him here…When I learned my daughter was going to Florida for the weekend, I told my oldest grandson to tell the youngest grandson that he could come over for the weekend, too as long as it was okay with his mother.  Saturday morning, he texted me and asked me to come and get him. I was ecstatic! He hasn’t been allowed to even really talk to me since October!

May 14th 013

As usual, I let the grandchildren decide the menu for the weekend.  Nothing really extravagant or expensive; but it always includes a 5 quart bucket of ice cream for milk shakes, soda and Crackers (Cheese-its). Usually I get up and make scrambled eggs for breakfast, too. I hadn’t realized that my husband had provided the Cheese crackers, which was nice because when I had gone shopping this past week, it was the last thing on my list, and I had to leave it off due to lack of enough money.

Ever since I learned they were moving, I have managed to burst into uncontrollable tears at least once every weekend when I thought about them moving away.  This weekend though was different.  The laughter controlled the mood and we had a great weekend.

On top of the grandsons being here, I started a new project…They are called Prayer Cloths….It is a knitted “dish cloth” with an image knitted into it.  I received one about 6 years ago when I went to Florida and always wanted to learn how to do them….I finally broke down and did dome internet research.  I found a whole “boat load” of patterns so I decided to copy a few and try them out. They don’t take long, but you do have to keep track of the rows….Believe me, I know…I started one and was texting 2 people at once and lost track where I was….Twice! So I ended up pulling out several rows and starting again….

May 14th 014 Angel May 14th 016 OSU May 14th 017 heart

To top the weekend off, I even made $60 on some of the furniture I was trying to get rid of….A lot less than the $1000 it probably cost me when I bought it, but I have no where to put it and I really don’t want to store it anymore. I hated to get rid of it because unless I win the lottery, I’ll never have new furniture of my own again. But the money is needed more now. And I was able to buy “take Out” dinner for all my boys….2 sons and 2 grandsons….And spoil the youngest with his favorite snack….Donut Holes!!

I have plenty of left over yarn that I am going to use to make these Prayer Cloths/dish cloths….I have plenty of patterns to choose from; and I will probably make dishcloths fro sale and as Christmas gifts.  I’ll take the prayer cloths to some of the local ministers and see if they can disperse them when they do their visits to the sick or elderly.

I have started taking apart the T-shirts for the quilt I plan on making and will keep you posted on it’s progress….Also, I will be working on a scrap book of sorts for the grandchildren; as well as some posters for the 2 that played on the football team for the past 4 years.

So to all my friends out there, Hugs an Love to you all!

May 14th 010  My dog Dusty…begging!