Friday, May 13, 2011




(from )

“Prayer cloths can be used by setting it on a table,
placing a candle and/or petitions on the cloth
as well as pictures of our loved ones
and those in need of spiritual or physical healing.
(Some cultures believe that your prayers are heard non-stop this way)
A cloth can be placed on a person who is ill
and then prayers said over them, or it can be held while praying.
Prayer Cloths can be folded and put in a pocket to carry it wherever you may go.
Prayer cloths can be used for comfort, the dying, the ill,
the aged, the lonely and fearful,
children, family difficulties, burials, calamities, special occasions,
spiritual difficulties and devotional praying.
Pocket prayer cloths are made this special small size for the troops
or individuals so they can be put in pockets or helmets.
Some even carry the pocket prayer cloth into surgery!
Prayer cloths can be used for women, children and men of all ages.”

When I went to mu son’s hospital bedside after he was electrocuted, My daughter-in-law and I stayed in “Hubbard House”;  (

hubbardhouse2Designed and built as a "home-away-from-home" for families of patients from outside the Orlando area, the Hubbard House can help restore a sense of calm during troubled times of illness or injury.

During our stay, I was given a prayer cloth by the people who run the house.  It is a simple knitted square with a heart in the middle. 

new items 006

Originally the cloths
were to be just a simple cloth. That idea has since been expanded to include
a variety of cloths made from yarn or cloth.

Most Prayer clothes I have seen are a simple “Dish cloth” pattern. 

More than 13,000 prayer cloths have been sent to the military and
over 2,000 cloths have been sent to those in need among the general public.
There are members from all around America who have volunteered
in the making of prayer cloths,
as well as a few international members. They represent all different levels of
experience in crocheting, knitting, looming and sewing and different Christian religions.

They should be distributed to Hospitals, nursing homes, troops

or even just someone needing comfort and should never be sold; but given freely. 


I found this link on the internet for making dish cloths:

You can make them with a variety of symbols in the center.

This site gives more information on the Prayer Square, color meanings, etc. :

I am currently working on putting my scrap yarn to work and hope to be able to make these and distribute them to a local hospital along with a short note explaining them so that they may be given to the patients.  I hope it brings them comfort as I am sure knitting them will give me comfort when my grandchildren move away next month…

Won’t you join me?  Patterns can also be found for crochet and quilting, if that is your field of expertise.

Hugs, Love and many prayers to all my wonderful friends!

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